But is it worth it?
If you were to live your life as a follower of Jesus, what do you think it would be like?
Would you expect to be guaranteed health, wealth, happiness and a quiet life?
You might get all of that, but I wouldn’t count on it.
Health and happiness? Yes please, even though everything in my experience of the world so far tells me both things can’t last. Wealth? A little more wouldn’t hurt, but you’ve got to be in it to win it, as they say, either by birth, by graft or just plain luck. And wealth can vanish in the breathing of a microscopic virus.
A quiet life? That might be your thing, but some of us prefer the unpredictable crash and clatter of a life lived with risk.
In my experience a life of faith can’t be restrained, cosy or materially secure to make it worth adopting as a way of being. Surely it has to be at least a little edgy, a little uncomfortable, a little challenging? Faith is going to make us step out of the boat if we want to really live.
And then look at the one we follow. Jesus was rejected, abused, spat upon, deserted by his closest friends, whipped and crucified. Nothing about his life suggests that his followers should expect an easy ride. Jesus promised that for anyone who follows him there would be a cost. A reward too, but also a cost.
The cost is your life now. We’re called to a life of surrender and obedience. Unpopular words today in this world of ‘my rights’ and the glorification of myself above all things. Jesus offers a life modelled on him and his. A life that may involve suffering, rejection and ridicule.
But if you want life to the full and then some, if you want a life that fizzes with the energy of heaven here on earth, if you want risky love and edgy commands, it’s worth it.
If you want to know searing forgiveness that burns away guilt and despair, a love that pushes you beyond the realms of yourself, it’s worth it.
What you get back is way beyond what you give.
But finally it’s worth it because it’s Jesus. And he is worth everything.
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